Volume 17

Volume 17

Volume 17

Obsah tohoto čísla

 Miroslav Dado,Marián Schwarz,Martin Frič  -  "Assessment of differences between task-based and full-shift methods for measrement of  occupational noise exposure"

Anna Danihelová, Martin Čulík, Zuzana Danihelová - "The most popular wood for making Alovak folk flutes with open ends"

Peter Hockicko - "High frequency acoustic spectroscopy of perspective materials for electrotechnics"

Stanislav Košúth, Miroslav Němec, Ján Petrík - "Physical-acoustical characteristics of thermowood in relation to the manifacture of musical instruments"

Ervin Lumnitzer, Monika Biľová - " Use of recycled materials for noise reduction"

Louena Shtrepi, Sönke Pelzer, Monika Rychtáriková, Arianna Astolfi - "influence of scattering on the prediction of room acoustic parameters"

Stanislav Žiaran
, Juraj Oreský - "Reduction of sound power emission by composite construction and natural frequency tunning"

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